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Fixed Ladders Standards

Fixed Ladders or Sailor Ladders are ladders that has circle of protection with equal lengths between steps when you need access to vertical areas. The most important thing is that if the climb length is greater than 2400 mm there should be circle of protection around the ladder.

  • Circle of protection should be higher than the reached level by minimum 1100 mm.

  • Start height of circle of protection should be between 210-240 cm from the ground. 

  • Steps in the ladder should be divided equally and not higher than 30 cm. 

  • Angle between ladder and the ground should be less than 90° and more than 75°

  • Width of the ladder should be minimum 18 cm from the wall.

  • There should be a platform for every 9 meters. Length of the platform should be greater than 150 cm and the width should be greater than 60 cm.

  • Platforms should be covered with plinths and railings strictly.

  • Ladders should be new and non-slip.

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Keywords: Fixed Ladders, Caddy Ladder, Design, Design of Fixed Ladders, Design of Caddy Ladders, Design of Sailor Ladder.
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